Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Daily Digest Bulletin

FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
FEMA Advisory: FEMA Announces Notice of Funding Opportunities for Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grants (August 4, 2020)



FEMA Announces Notice of Funding Opportunities for Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grants

Today, FEMA posted funding notices today for two hazard mitigation grant programs for more than $660 million. The two grant programs, the Flood Mitigation Assistance grant and the Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities, or BRIC, will provide funds to states, local communities, tribes and territories for eligible mitigation activates to strengthen our nation’s ability to build a culture of preparedness. These programs allow for funding to be used on projects that will reduce future disaster losses.

The application period opens on September 30, 2020. Eligible applicants must apply for funding using the new FEMA Grants Outcome (FEMA GO), which is now the management system for FMA and BRIC.  Please submit applications at FEMA Go Portal no later than 3 p.m. Eastern Standard Time on January 29, 2021. Applications received by FEMA after this deadline will not be considered for funding.

FEMA Webinars

FEMA offers, and strongly encourages, applicants to participate in a series of informational webinars for interested applicants to provide an overview of the grant programs and details about the agency’s funding priorities and review process. FEMA scheduled the first webinar for Tuesday, August 18 at 2:00 p.m. EDT. 

FEMA scheduled additional webinars for the new FEMA Grants Outcome (FEMA GO), which is now the management system for BRIC and FMA.  The development of FEMA GO is a multi-year effort to modernize and transform the way FEMA conducts grants management. FEMA GO will streamline the process to apply for, track, and manage FEMA grants.

In September, FEMA will host two webinars on “Avoiding Application Pitfalls.”  

Registration information for all upcoming webinars will be provided soon.

Flood Mitigation Grants

The National Flood Insurance Act of 1968 establishes the goal of reducing or eliminating National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) claims through long-term mitigation actions. For the FMA program, the agency’s predetermined funding priorities include flood mitigation planning and efforts for repetitive as well as severe repetitive loss properties.

In this application cycle, $160 million is available in FMA grant funds. There is a set-aside of $70 million for community advance assistance and flood mitigation projects.

Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) Grants

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) makes federal funds available through the new Building Resilient Infrastructures and Communities (BRIC) grant program to states, local communities, tribes and territories (SLTTs) for pre-disaster mitigation activities. BRIC is a new FEMA pre-disaster hazard mitigation program that replaces the existing Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) program. 

 The BRIC priorities are to:

  • Incentivize public infrastructure projects;
  • Incentivize projects that mitigate risk to one or more lifelines;
  • Incentivize projects that incorporate nature-based solutions; and,
  • Incentivize the adoptions and enforcement of modern building codes.

For More Information

Visit the fema.gov website:

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To help people before, during, and after disasters.


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