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FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
FEMA Advisory: Coronavirus Pandemic Response: FEMA Clarifies Federal Cost Share for Public Assistance Program (July 2, 2020)



Coronavirus Pandemic Response: FEMA Clarifies Federal Cost Share for Public Assistance Program


FEMA Fact Sheet “Coordinating Public Assistance and Other Sources of Federal Funding provides clear guidance on how FEMA will treat the multiple sources of funding as they relate to the public assistance program and its cost share requirements.

To respond to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, Congress authorized over $3 trillion to multiple federal agencies to provide assistance to state, local, tribal, and territorial governments in addressing the effects of the public health emergency pandemic. The extensive COVID-19 authority of other federal agencies in some cases overlaps with FEMA authority.

Generally, funding from other federal agencies cannot be used to meet the FEMA public assistance non-federal cost share requirement. For COVID-19, however, there are two exceptions: Department of Treasury’s Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act Relief Fund and the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Community Disaster Block Grant (CDBG-CV). While cost share requirements vary from agency-to-agency and program-to-program, many programs funded by the CARES Act and the other supplemental appropriations do not require a non-federal share.  

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