Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Daily Digest Bulletin

FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
FEMA Advisory: Proposed Mitigation Grant Program Policy for Public Comment (BRIC)

FEMA ADVISORY – April 15, 2020                                                                         

Proposed Mitigation Grant Program Policy for Public Comment

On Friday, April 10, FEMA published a proposed policy for the new Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) grant program in the Federal Register for public comment. Stakeholders may view the proposed policy and provide new comments until May 11, 2020, at regulations.gov. In the “search function,’ type identification number FEMA-2019-0018 at regulations.gov or view the proposed policy at this link. Although FEMA recognizes there may be operational constraints for some to publicly comment during these challenging times, FEMA is proceeding with publishing the proposed BRIC policy for notice and public comment in order to keep program implementation moving forward.

In developing the proposed policy, FEMA spent months in 2019 reaching out to stakeholders for input and has given serious consideration to the comments it received during the comprehensive engagement process. The proposed policy is broad and intended to establish the framework and requirements for BRIC.

Each year FEMA will post a Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) on grants.gov providing detailed program information and other grant application and administration requirements. Following the review and adjudication of comments received on the proposed policy, FEMA anticipates finalizing the proposed policy and releasing a NOFO by the fall of 2020. This timing is subject to change. To learn more visit www.fema.gov/bric.

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