FEMA Bulletin Week of April 13, 2020

Seal of the Department of Homeland Security


Week of April 13, 2020

In this Edition:

Important Dates & Reminders

April 30

Five DHS preparedness grants extend application periods to 5 p.m. ET on April 30.

May 1

Application period closes for the Cooperating Technical Partners Program.

May 15

Application period ends for SAFER grants.

FEMA Announces Additional Emergency Management Performance Grant Funding

FEMA announced $100 million in funding for the coronavirus (COVID-19) supplemental of the Emergency Management Performance Grant Program. This grant assists state, local, tribal and territorial governments with their public health and emergency management activities supporting the prevention of, preparation for and response to the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) public health emergency.


This additional funding supports planning and operational readiness for COVID-19, as well as the development of tools and strategies for prevention, preparedness and response and to ensure ongoing communication and coordination among partners across America throughout the response.


This funding is part of the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act and is separate and distinct from any funding that will be awarded under the Notice of Funding Opportunity published on Feb. 14. FEMA is employing a streamlined application process to expedite the issuance of awards and make the funds available to recipients as quickly as possible.


All 56 states and territories as well as the District of Columbia are eligible to apply for program funds. Either the state administrative agency or the state’s emergency management agency is eligible to apply directly to FEMA for funds on behalf of each state or territory.


The Notice of Funding Opportunity is available on the FEMA website. Eligible applicants must apply for funding through Grants.gov.  Completed final applications must be submitted no later than 5 p.m. ET, April 28.


For assistance registering for the grants system, contact the help desk at (800) 865-4076, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday. For additional questions, contact FEMA Grants.

FEMA Modifies Homeland Security Grant Program Application Requirements

FEMA, along with the Department of Homeland Security, announced modifications to this year’s Homeland Security Grant Program application submission requirements as a result of the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. FEMA recognizes that state, local, tribal and territorial partners have reprioritized scarce resources to the COVID-19 pandemic response, reducing their ability to fulfill existing application submission requirements before the application deadline on April 30.


FEMA will now award recipients at the “high end” of their target allocations. The State Homeland Security Program and Urban Area Security Initiative applicants must submit complete project-level information as part of the December 2020 Biannual Strategy Implementation Report if not included when submitting other application materials on April 30. 


FEMA will evaluate the effectiveness of projects submitted in the December 2020 report but will not reduce this year’s awards based on this effectiveness review. FEMA will work with recipients to ensure compliance with the National Priority area requirements based on the results of the effectiveness review. Recipients and subrecipients will not be permitted to expend funding under the four National Priority areas until the effectiveness of the proposed projects has been reviewed and confirmed by FEMA.


Any questions regarding the modification can be directed to FEMA Headquarters Preparedness Officers or the Centralized Scheduling and Information Desk or by calling (800) 368-6498, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET, Monday through Friday.

Public Comment Period Open for Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities Proposed Policy

A proposed policy is now available for comments for the new Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) grant program. Stakeholders may view the policy and provide new comments until May 11.  To locate the new policy, visit regulations.gov and search the identification number FEMA-2019-0018.


In developing the proposed policy, FEMA reached out to stakeholders for input and gave serious consideration to comments received during the comprehensive engagement process in 2019.


To learn more, visit the FEMA website.

FEMA Funding Notice Available for CTP Grants

The application period is now open for the Cooperating Technical Partners Program. There is $102.5 million in funding available.


These grants support the mission and objectives of the National Flood Insurance Program through FEMA’s flood hazard identification and risk assessment programs. Cooperative Technical Partners supports FEMA to develop flood hazard data and maps for communities that have never had identified risks.  In addition, these partners build on effective flood hazard data and Flood Insurance Rate Maps that exist. The program also helps to increase public awareness of risk and potential mitigation options to reduce risk and better inform mitigation planning.


Apply on Grants.gov by May 1. Applications must be submitted to the opportunity number for the state in each FEMA Region. For questions, contact Cooperative Technical Partner program.

Application Period Open for SAFER Grants

The application period is now open for Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency Response (SAFER) Grants. The SAFER grant enhances the ability of recipients to attain and maintain fire department staffing and to ensure that their communities have adequate protection from fire and fire-related hazards. The application period will close at 5 p.m. ET on May 15.


The Notice of Funding Opportunity is available for download on grants.gov and the FEMA website. Fire departments and other applicants requiring assistance should email the AFG Help Desk or call the help desk at 1-866-274-0960 during business hours, Monday through Friday.


SAFER Grants provide funding directly to fire departments and volunteer firefighter interest organizations to help them increase or maintain the number of trained, “front line” firefighters available in their communities. The goal of SAFER is to enhance the local fire departments’ abilities to comply with staffing, response and operational standards.

FEMA Releases Disaster Financial Management Guide

FEMA released the ‘Disaster Financial Management Guide’ to support jurisdictions in establishing and implementing disaster financial management practices that are critical for response and recovery.


The guide identifies the capabilities and activities necessary to prepare and successfully implement disaster financial management while maintaining fiscal responsibility throughout response and recovery operations. The resources in the guide can help increase the efficiency of recovery efforts and reduce the likelihood of audits and financial penalties. The guide also presents an overview of common disaster assistance and recovery funding programs that may be beneficial to recovery efforts.


The guide contains information applicable to the current operational environment and ongoing coronavirus response and recovery efforts. To view the guide, visit the FEMA website. Contact NPD-Planning@Fema.dhs.gov with questions.

FEMA Alert System Helps Communities Communicate During Coronavirus Response

Fast notifications can save lives, and the FEMA Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS) gives communities a way to quickly send emergency alerts when minutes matter.


Emergency officials across the country are using IPAWS to send important safety messages on the coronavirus pandemic to their residents. As of April 14, 77 agencies across 26 states, as well as the District of Columbia, the Navajo Nation and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, have sent a total of 177 messages to cell phones containing information on COVID-19 via the Wireless Emergency Alert system, and 44 messages to radios/televisions via the Wireless Emergency Alert system.


For more information on IPAWS and how to be able to use the system to send alerts, visit the FEMA website.

Upcoming Deadlines and Reminders

FEMA Extends Preparedness Grants Application Deadline

In response to COVID-19, FEMA will extend the deadline to submit applications for the following five preparedness grant programs:



Applications must be received by the new submission deadline of 5 p.m. ET on April 30. Further information on DHS preparedness grant programs is available on the FEMA website

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