FEMA Bulletin Week of March 16, 2020

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March 16, 2020

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In this Edition:

Important Dates & Reminders

march 19

Webinar on Nonprofit Security Grant Program at 2:30 p.m. ET.  See article for additional webinar dates and times.

March 20

Assistant to Firefighters Grant application period extended until 5 p.m. ET on March 20.

March 27

National Advisory Council application period extended to March 27.

President Trump Directs FEMA Support Under Emergency Declaration for COVID-19

On March 13, President Trump declared the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic an emergency declaration pursuant to section 501 (b) of the Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and Emergency Assistance Act.


This declaration increases federal support to the Department of Health and Human Services in its role as the lead federal agency for the ongoing COVID-19 response. The declaration allows for state, territorial, tribal and local government entities and certain private non-profit organizations to be eligible to apply for Public Assistance. 


The FEMA Public Assistance program provides reimbursement for emergency protective measures taken at the direction or guidance of public health officials in response to this emergency. FEMA assistance will be provided at a 75 percent Federal cost share. Reimbursable activities typically include emergency protective measures such as the activation of State Emergency Operations Centers, National Guard costs, law enforcement and other measures necessary to protect public health and safety.


Visit the FEMA website for additional information on how to apply for public assistance. 

FEMA Extends National Advisory Council Application Deadline

FEMA is extending the application period for the National Advisory Council from March 13 to March 27.  This is to allow individuals who were unable to apply due to the COVID-19 response to submit their applications. Visit the FEMA website for instructions on how to apply.  For questions, contact the National Advisory Council.  


The National Advisory Council (NAC) advises FEMA Administrator on all aspects of emergency management, including preparedness, protection, response, recovery and mitigation for natural disasters, acts of terrorism and other manmade disasters.

FEMA Releases PrepTalk on Crowdsourcing and Citizen Science

Today, FEMA released Dr. Sophia Liu’s “Crowdsourcing and Citizen Science as Force Multipliers for Emergency Management.” In her PrepTalk, Liu highlights how social media can be an effective communication channel in disasters, how emergency managers can incorporate data provided by the general public into actionable intelligence during an emergency response and how citizens can assist with data collection, processing and analysis.


Liu is an Innovation Specialist at the U.S. Geological Survey Science and Decisions Center specializing in participatory science and innovation. She is also the Co-Chair of the Federal Community of Practice for Crowdsourcing and Citizen Science.


The PrepTalk video and additional resources are available on the FEMA website.


PrepTalks are a partnership between FEMA, the International Association of Emergency Managers, the National Emergency Management Association, the National Homeland Security Consortium and the Naval Postgraduate School Center for Homeland Defense and Security.

Upcoming Deadlines and Reminders

FEMA Extends Firefighter Grants Deadline

FEMA extended the application period for the Assistance to Firefighters Grant Program. The new application deadline is 5 p.m. ET this Friday, March 20. Tools for applicants, including the Notice of Funding Opportunity, are available on the FEMA website. For questions, contact the AFG help desk.


FEMA Holds Preparedness Grant Webinars

FEMA is holding a series of Nonprofit Security Grant Program webinars throughout March to discuss 2020 Department of Homeland Security preparedness grant opportunities.  These webinars will be held at 2:30 p.m. ET throughout the month.  Participants can use FEMA Adobe Connect or call-in via FEMA teleconference:

  • March 19: 1-877-446-3917 PIN: 289309#
  • March 26: 1-877-446-3918 PIN: 289309#


If you have any questions regarding the Nonprofit Security Grant Program, please contact FEMA’s Grant Programs Directorate at 1-800-368-6498.  


The Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) plays an important role in the implementation of the National Preparedness System by supporting the development and sustainment of core capabilities. Core capabilities are essential for the execution of each of the five mission areas outlined in the National Preparedness Goal.


FEMA Postpones National Public Assistance Readiness Stand-Down

Due to COVID-19 response, FEMA will be postponing the National Public Assistance Readiness Stand-Down. 


For additional information, contact the FEMA Office of Recovery.


FEMA Seeks Public Comment on NFIP Publication Regulations

On Feb. 12, FEMA published a Federal Register notice for public comments on two proposed changes to the Code of Federal Regulations regarding publication requirements for the National Flood Insurance Program. 


Comments for proposed changes are due no later than April 13. Detailed instruction on how to comment can be found on the Federal Register site.

FEMA Podcast Episode 68: The AmeriCorps Teams Supporting Disaster Recovery

On this episode of the FEMA Podcast, listen as we celebrate AmeriCorps week by highlighting a member of the FEMA Corps team. The discussion focuses on the FEMA Corps program and the important role it plays in helping communities recovering from disasters.



The FEMA podcast is an audio program series available to anyone interested in learning more about the Agency, hearing about innovation in the field of emergency management and listening to stories about communities and individuals recovering after disasters.


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