FEMA Operations Cadre Daily Digest Bulletin

FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
FEMA Webinar for the Publication of the Interim Policy: “Consensus-Based Codes, Specifications and Standards for Public Assistance”

U.S. Department of Homeland Security

Federal Emergency Management Agency

Office of External Affairs

Public-Private Partnerships Team



Private Sector Advisory

FEMA Webinar for the Publication of the Interim Policy:

“Consensus-Based Codes, Specifications and Standards for Public Assistance”


December 16, 2019


The policy defines the requirements for consistent and appropriate implementation of construction codes, specifications and standards for use in the Public Assistance program.

Previously, FEMA provided federal funding to restore disaster-damaged facilities on the basis of pre-disaster design and function, with applicable codes, specifications and standards. This policy is meant to increase the resiliency of communities post disaster and support the efficient use of federal funds, while reducing future vulnerabilities.

Disasters declared on or after the date of this interim policy must apply the relevant consensus-based codes, specifications and standards. The permanent work projects include buildings, electric power, roads, bridges, potable water and wastewater. Applicants who fall into any of the following categories have 60 days following date of policy publication to opt-in to the guidelines of this interim policy:  

  • Incidents declared between Aug. 1, 2017, and the date of policy publication;
  • Projects for incidents declared before Aug. 1, 2017, but without an obligation based on a finalized cost estimate as of the date of policy publication; or
  • Projects associated with a cost estimate on appeal as of the date of policy publication.


FEMA will host a webinar for partners regarding the interim policy. The webinar will be from Tuesday, December 17, 2019 from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET.



Applicants wishing to participate must make their determination no later than January 5, 2020. The applicants will need to contact their FEMA Regional Recovery Office and complete the opt-in notification form included in Appendix B of the policy.




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