Announcing the Release of a "Guide to Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience"


Private Sector Update

Created and distributed by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Private Sector Office | 202-282-8484

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) and the Department of State have released a “Guide to Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience.”  This collaborative product for domestic and international partners describes the U.S. all-hazards approach to critical infrastructure security and resilience. 

The guide provides a step-by-step approach to developing, implementing, and refining related policies and programs for a range of stakeholders, such as foreign ministries charged with oversight of key sectors (e.g., energy, water and wastewater, communications, transportation), as well as experts in security, counterterrorism, crisis management and emergency response.  It also includes coordination with industry owners and operators and others with related responsibilities and capabilities. 

All sectors share responsibility for security and resilience: government at all levels, industry, academia, community organizations, and even individuals.  The Guide acknowledges that the effectiveness of critical infrastructure protection is greatly enhanced when based on a holistic approach that considers all threats and hazards.  It is also a useful primer and reference for U.S.-based users, as well as a tool to engage additional partners on roles and responsibility for critical infrastructure as we celebrate Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience Month this November.

You can download the guide here..


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U.S. Department of Homeland Security · · 202-282-8000