As the storm track and severity of Hurricane Dorian changes, it’s important for those in its forecasted path to stay alert to the dangers it could bring.
Those on the East Coast are being urged to pay attention to the forecast in their area, and be prepared to follow guidance from local officials. If ordered to evacuate, do so immediately. Be ready to leave, and have a plan for where you will go.
For more information on how to prepare for Hurricane Dorian, visit the blog and

Each September, National Preparedness Month reminds us to prepare ourselves, our families, and our communities for the disasters and emergencies that could happen where we live, work and visit.
The first week of National Preparedness Month highlights sound financial defense against disaster: saving money for emergencies and having insurance.
Sometimes we have advance warning to get ready, but often we can’t predict the time, place, or severity of disasters. Tips to help you save early include:
• Create a budget that includes a savings plan.
• Set aside money for an emergency fund to cover disaster costs you may incur including hotel stay, food, gas, and insurance deductibles.
• Review all your insurance policies to make sure you’re covered against all risks common in your area, including flood insurance. Keep your insurance even if you no longer make mortgage payments.
• Flood insurance takes 30 days to take effect, so act now to protect your family. The time to buy is while it’s dry. Learn more on the FEMA website.
• Encourage young people to start building good money habits. Saving a little bit at a time helps them learn the importance of preparing for all kinds of emergencies.
• Take time to collect and secure critical documents (such as personal financial, insurance, medical, and other records) now – before an emergency. Tools and resources are available on that provide financial preparedness tips, such as completing the Emergency Financial First Aid Kit.
Learn more about the many ways that you can be financially prepared in the case of a disaster or emergency by going to
FEMA released the updated “Devolution Plan/Annex Template and Instructions” document for use by the continuity planning community.
The document incorporates the concepts found in FEMA “Federal Continuity Directive 1 and Continuity Guidance Circular” into a template for individuals tasked with the creation of continuity plans which support their organization’s (government, or non-government, public or private sector) continuity program.
The template may be helpful to organization planners, but is not mandatory. Organizations are encouraged to tailor their devolution plan to meet their specific operational needs.
Devolution is the transfer of statutory authority and responsibilities from an organization’s primary operating staff and facilities to another designated staff and facility for the sustainment of essential functions. This capability is required of federal executive branch departments and agencies and is recommended as a strategy by which to continue essential functions for all other organizations.
To view the document, the references listed above, and for additional information about continuity and continuity planning, please visit the continuity toolkit. Once in the toolkit, click on “Templates” to view the document.
Postponed: Webinar on Financial Preparedness
Due to Hurricane Dorian response activities, the 30-minute webinar, “Emergencies and Disasters: Are You Financially Prepared?” scheduled for Sept. 4 is postponed. Once rescheduled, the webinar will provide financial tools and resources for individuals, families, communities and community organizations.
FEMA Hosts Webinars on Hazard Mitigation Assistance Grant Programs
FEMA is hosting webinars to provide an overview of two Hazard Mitigation Assistance (HMA) competitive grant programs: Flood Mitigation Assistance and Pre-Disaster Mitigation.
Each webinar provides overview of the grant programs and details about the agency’s funding priorities and review process.
• Wednesday, Sept. 4 at 2 p.m. ET
• Tuesday, Sept. 10 at 2 p.m. ET
• Wednesday, Sept. 11 at 2 p.m. ET
• Tuesday, Sept. 17 at 2 p.m. ET
How to Participate:
• Register on FEMA Adobe Connect.
• FEMA Teleconference: 1-800-320-4330 Code: 338559#