FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) Daily Digest Bulletin

FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
Emergency Food and Shelter Program Supplemental Humanitarian Funding

U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Federal Emergency Management Agency
Public-Private Partnerships Team
FEMA Office of External Affairs

Private Sector Advisory

Emergency Food and Shelter Program Supplemental Humanitarian Funding


Today, FEMA awarded $30 million in supplemental humanitarian funding to the National Board for the Emergency Food and Shelter Program (EFSP).


These funds are for local social services that have provided assistance on or after January 1, 2019 to southern border migrants who were released from the custody of the Department of Homeland Security.


Of the $30 million allocation, $25 million will go to the four border states where the most significant numbers of migrants have been released from DHS custody. Those states are Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas.


The remaining $5 million will be allocated to all states, including the four border states, where a significant influx of migrants has also occurred.


Local non-profit, faith-based and governmental entities that have served migrants released from DHS custody at the southern border with shelter, food, and supportive services are eligible to apply. Applications will be completed by local entities (including local government agencies) and submitted to EFSP Local Boards. State government facilities that provided eligible direct services will apply through their EFSP State Set-Aside (SSA) Committee.


Additional information including local board and state set-aside committee contacts is available on the EFSP website . Organizations may also send an email request to suppfund@uww.unitedway.org or call at 703-706-9660 to obtain local board and State Set-Aside contact information.


All applications shall be evaluated competitively. Reimbursements addressing humanitarian needs such life sustaining food and shelter expenses will be given priority. 


The EFSP National Board will make final decisions on awards to social service providers.




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