FEMA continues to engage reinsurance markets to strengthen the financial framework of the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) and promote private sector participation in flood-risk management.
On, April 16, 2019, FEMA entered into a three-year reinsurance agreement, effective April 17, 2019, with Hannover Re (Ireland) Designated Activity Company (DAC). Hannover Re acted as a transformer, transferring $300 million of the NFIP’s financial risk to capital markets investors by sponsoring the issuance of a catastrophe bond through a special purpose reinsurer.
This placement builds on the first transfer of NFIP flood risk to capital markets investors in August 2018, which transferred $500 million in flood risk for three years. These capital market placements complement the NFIP’s existing traditional reinsurance coverage, allowing FEMA to grow the NFIP Reinsurance Program that protects against future flood losses. Combined with the August 2018 capital market and January 2019 traditional reinsurance placements, ahead of the 2019 hurricane season, FEMA has transferred $2.12 billion of the NFIP’s flood risk to the private sector.
Congress granted FEMA authority to secure reinsurance from the private reinsurance and capital markets through the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012 and the Homeowner Flood Insurance Affordability Act of 2014.
For additional information about this traditional reinsurance placement, you can read Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and other details about this reinsurance placement, available at https://www.fema.gov/nfip-reinsurance-program.
FEMA Emergency Management Institute’s (EMI) Master Public Information Officer Program (MPIOP) is a three-course series designed to prepare public information officers for an expanded role in delivering public information and warning using a strategic whole community approach.
Working in a collaborative environment, students will enhance their public information and external affairs skills through case study, analyzing management theories and concepts, and developing and designing of processes and reports. MPIOP participants will evaluate leadership, group dynamics, and explore best practices of joint information centers by monitoring student activity. The skills MPIOP participants gain reinforce qualities needed to lead whole community public information and external affairs programs. Participants will contribute to the public information body of knowledge through the completion of a special project. Research papers from former participants are available online.
The course is open to full time public information officers with a minimum of five years of experience and who have a demonstrated sphere of influence capable of advancing the relevance of whole community external affairs. For more information go to: https://training.fema.gov/programs/pio/masterpio.aspx#E0389, or send an email to FEMA-Master_PIO_Program@FEMA.DHS.GOV. The application deadline is June 30. For instructions how to apply for the program, go to the Training Bulletin.
Today FEMA is hosting the fourth PrepTalk Symposium in Santa Rosa, Calif. PrepTalks are presentations from subject-matter experts and thought leaders that present new ideas, spark conversation and promote innovative leadership within the emergency management community. They are a partnership between FEMA, the International Association of Emergency Managers, the National Emergency Management Association, the National Homeland Security Consortium, and the Naval Postgraduate School Center for Homeland Security and Defense.
Speakers featured during the session include:
• Daniel Homsey, Neighborhood Empowerment Network: “Neighborhood Resilience – Increasing Social Capital”
• James Gore, Sonoma County: “Forging Resilient Community Through Disaster”
• Arwen Nicks, Misha Euceph, and Jacob Margolis, Southern California Public Radio: “Storytelling to Promote Action”
• Brian Fennessy, Orange County Fire Authority: “Wildfires and Building a Mission Driven Culture”
• Claudine Jaenichen, Chapham University: “Visual Design for Emergency Management”
• Stuart Tom, International Code Council: “Using Codes and Standards to Build Resilient Communities”
Visit the PrepTalks website to learn more about PrepTalks and view videos from past speakers at www.fema.gov/preptalks.
ICS 300 focuses on Incident Command System (ICS) for supervisors who work in expanding incidents. The course outlines how the National Incident Management System (NIMS) Command and Coordination component supports the management of expanding incidents. Also, the course describes the incident management processes as prescribed by ICS.
It is important that senior ICS command and general staff, who are expected to perform in a management capacity in Area Commands or Multiagency Coordination Systems, be provided advanced training in management of expanding and complex incidents. ICS-400 builds upon information covered in the ICS-100, ICS-200, and ICS-300 courses.
ICS is a management system designed to enable effective and efficient domestic incident management by integrating a combination of facilities, equipment, personnel, procedures, and communications operating within a common organizational structure.
The new courses reflect changes in the 2017 edition of the NIMS, update scenarios, including scenario frameworks that can be customized by instructors and provides opportunity for students to develop an Incident Action Plan.
FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute will host a series of webinars to highlight the changes in the new courses, instructor requirements, and future course releases. Each webinar has the same content, and you only need to sign up for one. All times are Eastern:
• 11 a.m. Thursday, Apr. 25
• 3 p.m. Thursday, Apr. 25
Register on the FEMA Adobe Connect at NIMS ICS Training Forum
FEMA Teleconference Telephone #: 800-320-4330, Pin #: 884976
Both courses are delivered in the classroom. Student materials for ICS 300 and ICS 400 are available with a FEMA Student ID number.
If you successfully completed a previous version of the courses, there is no FEMA requirement to take the revised version. However, because the revised courses contains new information based on the NIMS, revised in Oct. 2017, you may find it informative to review the new version.
Throughout the month of April, FEMA, in partnership with the Financial Literacy and Education Commission (FLEC), celebrates National Financial Capability Month with a series of social media events. Personal financial planning helps individuals and families prepare for disasters both big and small.
This week join the Twitter Chat “Insure your Financial Future” at 1 p.m. ET on April 24. Use #FinancialChat to follow along. Find out more by following #FinancialFuture2019 on social media and by visiting ready.gov and usa.gov/flec.
National Fire Protection Association’s (NFPA) Wildfire Community Preparedness Day is May 4, 2019. Join your friends, family members, faith-based group or youth organization, and volunteer your time to improve your community’s ability to withstand and recover from a wildfire, which also may improve the safety of firefighters.
There are many ways to help protect homes, neighborhoods, businesses and entire communities:
• Reduce the amount of flammable materials and brush that can burn around your home or business;
• Create a fire-free area within the first five feet of your home using non-flammable materials and high moisture-content plantings;
• Maintain an area that is clear of flammable materials and debris for at least 30 feet on all sides from your home or business; and
• Move wood piles and propane tanks to at least 30 feet from your home or business.
To assist fire departments and citizens within the community about wildfire risks, the United States Fire Administration (USFA) has compiled a collection of resources that can be found at www.usfa.fema.gov. The Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) Toolkit has recommended resources that will help the fire department and communities prepare for and respond to WUI fires. The toolkit includes tools to assess community risks, codes and standards, outreach materials to increase awareness, planning, research, and training courses.
For more wildfire safety information, visit www.ready.gov/wildfires.