FEMA released the ICS 200.c, Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response, designed to help supervisors within the Incident Command System (ICS) to operate efficiently during a disaster incident.
A revised version of ICS-200.b, ICS-200.c, Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response, incorporates materials from previous discipline-specific versions into a single training course. The course is for agencies and people such as police, fire, EMS, public works, private sector, federal D/A response components and more, all of which use the National Incident Management System and ICS training.
FEMA’s Emergency Management Institute (EMI) will host two webinars to highlight the changes in the new course, discuss delivery options, talk about future course releases, and answer any questions. All times are Eastern:
• Mar. 21 at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m.
Register on the FEMA Adobe Connect platform at NIMS ICS Training Forum. The FEMA audio teleconferences: 800-320-4330, PIN #: 884976#.
Anyone who successfully completed a previous version of the IS-200, is not required by FEMA to take the new version. However, because the IS-200 course contains new information based on the 2017 National Incident Management System revision, it may be informative to review the new version.
FEMA’s Individuals Assistance Program has been expanded to provide separate maximum grant amounts for Other Needs Assistance and Housing Assistance, a direct result of the Disaster Recovery Reform Act (DRRA) Section 1212. This change also allows Rental Assistance and accessibility-related Real and Personal Property costs be paid separately from those maximum grant amounts.
FEMA is processing retroactive payments to roughly 12,000 applicants who reached or exceeded the IHP financial limit for all declared disasters on or after August 1, 2017. Eligible applicants may receive additional funds due to the increased amount of assistance under the new law, which includes additional Home Repair, Personal Property, and Transportation funds.
Beginning April 2019, FEMA will evaluate survivor application files, and some survivors may be eligible for additional Rental Assistance because of the change in the law.
FEMA’s National Integration Center released two documents for public comment that provide guidance regarding the Environmental Response/Health & Safety core capability under the National Preparedness Goal. Public feedback on these products will help ensure that agencies having jurisdiction and personnel functioning in this capacity have the knowledge, experience, training, and capability to perform the duties of their assigned roles.
Released were drafts of the National Incident Management System (NIMS), National Qualification System (NQS), Radiological Operations Support Specialist (ROSS), Job Title/Position Qualification, and the NIMS NQS ROSS Position Task Book. Job Titles/Position Qualifications define minimum qualifications criteria for personnel serving in defined incident management and support positions. Position Task Books identify the competencies, behaviors, and tasks that personnel should demonstrate to become qualified for a defined incident management and support position.
FEMA will host a series of webinars to discuss these draft documents and will answer related questions. All webinars are open to the whole community, including individuals and communities, the private and nonprofit sectors, faith-based organizations, and all governments.
All Webinars are Eastern:
• Thursday, March 21 10 a.m. EDT
Link: https://fema.connectsolutions.com/rosswebinar1/event/event_info.html
• Thursday, March 28 2 p.m. EDT
Link: https://fema.connectsolutions.com/rosswebinar2/event/event_info.html
• Thursday, April 4 1 p.m. EDT
• Thursday, April 11 5 p.m. EDT
Link: https://fema.connectsolutions.com/rosswebinar4/event/event_info.html
For more information on the webinars and to review the draft documents, visit https://www.fema.gov/national-incident-management-system/national-engagement.
To provide comments on the draft, complete the feedback form on the webpage listed above and submit the form to FEMA National Integration Center at fema-nims@fema.dhs.gov. The National Engagement period closes at 5 p.m. EDT on Thursday April 18, 2019.

On March 8, 23 emergency managers graduated from FEMA National Emergency Management Basic Academy, sponsored by the Maryland Emergency Management Agency. The students completed the full Basic Academy curriculum, which provides the basic knowledge and skills to help meet the unpredictable challenges in the field of emergency management. Graduates represented emergency management professionals from local, county, and state governments..
The Basic Academy is the first of a three-level Academy series in the Emergency Management Professional Program (EMPP). The EMPP curriculum is designed to provide a lifetime of learning for emergency management professionals and includes three separate, but closely threaded, training programs. The Basic Academy builds to the Advanced Academy, a program to develop the next generation of emergency management leaders who are trained in advanced concepts and issues, advanced leadership and management, and critical thinking and problem solving.
The EMPP culminates in the Executive Academy, a program designed to challenge and enhance the talents of the nation’s emergency management senior executives through critical thinking, visionary strategic planning, challenging conventional concepts, and negotiation and conflict resolution applied to complex real-world problems.
Visit www.training.fema.gov/empp for more information.
All applications and supporting materials for the Youth Preparedness Council (YPC) must be received no later than 11:59 p.m. PDT, March 31. The YPC brings teens together from across the country who are interested and engaged in community preparedness. Council members are selected based on their dedication to public service, their efforts in making a difference in their communities and their potential to expand their impact as national leaders for emergency preparedness. Students in 8th through 11th grade are eligible to apply.
To access the application materials, read about the current Council members, and for more general information about the Youth Preparedness Council visit www.ready.gov/youth-preparedness-council.