FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) Daily Digest Bulletin

FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency)
Winterize Your Home, Prepare for Power Outages, Recognizing Frostbite

Individual and Community Preparedness eBrief

u s d h s f e m a

November 29, 2018

In this issue:

Winterize Your Home

Winter Weather

Winter weather can bring extreme cold, ice, snow, or high winds. If bad weather hits, is your home ready? Take time before winter weather arrives to winterize your home:

  • Make sure your walls and attic have enough insulation. This preparation will help keep you warm in extreme cold. As a bonus, you can reduce energy waste and save on your electricity bills!
  • Caulk and weather-strip your doors and windows.
  • Keep indoor space heaters at least three feet away from anything that can burn.
  • Never heat your home with a stove.

Learn more about winter weather safety here.

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Prepare for a Power Outage

Power Outages

Severe winter weather may cause power outages. Are you ready if the lights go out? Prepare now to make sure you stay safe if you lose power.

  • Make a list of anything you need that uses electricity; plan for batteries and other alternatives to meet your needs when the power goes out.
  • Plan if you have medication that needs to be refrigerated. Talk to your doctor about what to do with medicine if you lose power.
  • Make sure to have a flashlight and extra batteries at home.
  • Have enough non-perishable food and water for your family.
  • Keep mobile phones charged and gas tanks full.

For more information to prepare now, survive during, and be safe after a power outage, go to: https://www.ready.gov/power-outages.

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Recognizing Frostbite


Winter is almost here! If your area experiences extreme cold, you could be at risk for developing frostbite when you spend time outdoors. It’s important you know the signs if you or something you know develops frostbite:


  • Redness or pain in any skin area may be the first sign of frostbite.
  • Other signs of frostbite include numbness, white or gray skin, and firm or waxy skin.
  • The body parts most affected by frostbite are your nose, ears, toes, cheeks, chin, and fingers.
  • If you or someone you know has frostbite, go to a warm room. Soak in warm water or use body heat to warm. Don’t massage or put a heating pad on frostbitten skin.
  • To learn more about recognizing and responding to frostbite, click here.

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Important Dates to Remember

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