Message from CISA on Increased Geopolitical Tensions and Threats

Created and distributed by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Private Sector Office | 202-282-8484


Private Sector Update


CISA Insights: Increased Geopolitical Tensions and Threats 

On January 6 we issued a CISA Insights document entitled, “Increased Geopolitical Tensions and Threats” pertaining to the increase tension with Iran. You can read the new CISA Insights at

As the nation’s risk advisor, we are sharing this with our partners to ensure they consider how increased geopolitical tensions and threats of aggression might affect them – such as retaliatory cyber and physical attacks. By providing these insights, we hope it assists in how our partners look at their facilities and their operations from the outside-in.  Knowing how they may be exposed or targeted will help them to be better prepared (to act, collaborate, and report).

We share these insights and hope to hear from our partners on how they may make a difference. As always, we value stakeholder feedback and remain open to their recommendations for infrastructure resilience, safety of personnel, and protection of the greater public – collective defense works best when we share what works, communicate, and coordinate. 

It’s now time to play your part. You all serve an important role for stakeholder engagement by both extending the reach for this product and being an ambassador for comments, feedback, and validation. 

Thank you for your continued efforts across CISA as we “Defend Today, Secure Tomorrow.”


Bradford Willke

Assistant Director (Acting) for Stakeholder Engagement

Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency  

CISA partners with industry and government to understand and manage risk to our Nation’s critical infrastructure

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U.S. Department of Homeland Security · · 202-282-8000