On June 18, FEMA announced pre-award selections for both the Flood Mitigation Assistance and Pre-Disaster Mitigation programs for Fiscal Year 2018, totaling more than $405 million.
This competitive grant funding is provided to state, tribal, territorial and local governments for eligible mitigation activities to strengthen our nation’s ability to reduce disaster losses and protect life and property from future disaster damage.
This year’s selections include:
• Flood Mitigation Assistance: 130 government agencies are selected for projects totaling $158.9 million.
• Pre-Disaster Mitigation Assistance: 359 government agencies are selected for projects totaling $239.2 million. Additionally, 27 tribal governments are selected for projects totaling $10.7 million.
FEMA reviewed each submission to ensure eligibility, cost effectiveness, technical feasibility and alignment with the agency’s identified priorities to reduce the impacts of disasters. These funding priorities are listed in a Notice of Funding Opportunity at Grants.gov.
Applicants can review the status of their application at FEMA.gov on the following pages:
• Flood Mitigation Assistance
• Pre-Disaster Mitigation
For additional information or any questions, grant applicants can contact their FEMA Regional Office. More information about Hazard Mitigation Assistance is available at www.fema.gov/hazard-mitigation-assistance.
Submit Feedback for FEMA’s New Pre-Disaster Mitigation Grant Program
FEMA is designing a new program, the Building Resilient Infrastructure and Communities (BRIC) program, to replace the existing pre-disaster mitigation grants in 2019.
With the passage of the Disaster Recovery Reform Act in October 2018, FEMA now has the authority to set aside six percent of estimated disaster expenses for each major disaster to fund pre-disaster mitigation. On May 20, FEMA requested public input to inform the development and implementation of BRIC on Ideascale and has already received over 2,700 comments and suggestions via its forum on Idealscale. Anyone wishing to provide comment can do so by July 15.
As FEMA transitions programs, there will be no gap in mitigation assistance for our state, local, tribal and territorial government partners. FEMA will make $250 million available for the 2019 grant program.
FEMA Seeks Feedback on the National Response Framework
The draft “National Response Framework“ and “Emergency Support Function (ESF) #14 – Cross-Sector Business and Infrastructure Annex” documents are now available for public comment. Feedback and recommendations will help ensure the final versions of the documents are effective resources for emergency managers across the nation.
For more information on the updates and to download the drafts, visit the National Planning Frameworks page on the FEMA website. Comments, input, and recommendations should be submitted using the comment matrix on the website by June 28.
FEMA Hosts Webinars on Incident Command System Course Changes
FEMA Emergency Management Institute (EMI) is hosting a webinar series highlighting the changes in three courses on the Incident Command System All-Hazards Position Specific Curriculum. The webinars will provide instructor requirements and future course releases. The webinars will be at 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. ET on Thursday, June 27.
The curriculum changes will apply to:
• E/L0962 – Planning Section Chief
• E/L0964 – Situation Unit Leader
• E/L0965 – Resources Unit Leader
How to Participate:
• Register on the FEMA Adobe Connect platform at NIMS ICS Training Forum
• Please sign in as a guest using the following format:
Last Name, First Name, ST (example: Patrick, Robert, NJ)
• FEMA Teleconference: 800-320-4330, PIN 884976#
Listen in on this PrepTalk with Amanda Ripley, a journalist and a senior fellow at the Emerson Collective. Ripley combines the inspiring stories of disaster survivors with research into how the brain works when confronted with unusual events to provide advice on how emergency managers can help individuals become more decisive in an emergency.
The FEMA podcast is an audio program series available to anyone interested in learning more about the Agency, hearing about innovation in the field of emergency management, and listening to stories about communities and individuals recovering after disasters.
